Photo: agence PRAA

The High Ki Wood system to go even higher up to R+10 and more

HighKi Wood was created to develop the market for medium and high-rise timber construction in the Paris region, France and Europe.

In 2021, Ki Wood is the winner of the biosourced wood booster supported by the Île-de-France Region, led by Fibois Île-de-France and the FCBA technological institute, whose objective is to accelerate access to wood and biosourced solutions on the construction market. A real boost for the development of the HighKi Wood solution for high buildings.

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An endoskeleton to go higher

HighKi Wood still relies on its ancestral and innovative know-how with a glued laminated wood post and beam construction process that is assembled using ultra-strong steel connectors, like a set of legos. The connectors, like an endoskeleton, change but the principle remains the same so as not to disturb our partners who build the sites.

The new connectors have been designed to be even simpler than the SuteKi Wood connectors, allowing for many more possible connections and combinations.

The possibility of mixing wood species

The advantages of the HighKi Wood innovation are not limited to great heights, since the construction system also allows for a mix of soft and hardwoods, some of which, such as Beech, have better mechanical resistance than softwoods. Trials are underway with manufacturers of glulam in hardwood species. They will offer many architectural and technical possibilities in the construction field.

Seismic-resistant constructions

In the continuity of the company’s technical development, the ambition for 2023 is the validation of seismic tests for Europe, already effective for Japan, as well as experiments on solid wood solutions.

The CSTB has just delivered the ETE 22/0770 in November 2022 for the use of these new connectors